02-07 新浪家居频道
Design & Art of Living | 向善向美筑建生活美学
“We are the designers.For years, we have been creating.Creating something beyondlife itself.So, the timehelp us be better and stronger!”
- Lilian Tian
——田丽莲Lilian Tian
Lilian Tian, JinShang 'Mayor,' the Founder & Design Director of WTL Design, attended the 12th Annual Commercial Conference at the Intercontinental Guangzhou exhibition center organized by the Economic Observer. As one of the keynote speakers, Lilian shared the stage with some of the nation's top leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs.金尚“市长”Lilian Tian受《经济观察报》之邀,和众多商业地产品牌保利、华润、合生、爱琴海、世茂、大悦城、凯德等一起参加第十二届商业年会,做了“以向善向美践行商业空间生命力”为主题的主旨演讲。
"Wealways uphold truth, kindness, beauty, and style.We aim to create spacesfilled with vitality, charm, and integrity, that isthe powerhouse for our creativity and constant inspiration. I am very fortunate to have three companies; WTL Design, JinShang, and Alexandria's Library ofUtopian Materials ALUM."
- Lilian Tian
我们一直秉着向真、向善、向美、向情趣,商业空间是我们的活力、火力、魅力,是魂。我很有幸做了三家公司,WTL Design,金尚,还有品莲物料馆。”
Besides the power of design, Lilian shared intimate stories; the places, people, moments, and her journey to build her now Empire.
At JinShang, you wouldn't miss any of the exciting events including bazaars, cultural celebrations, salons, parties, classic plays, and movies.金尚,是一个聚集了金子般的人,精彩的事的场域,不断吸引着更多芬香的灵魂,创造更多精彩的相遇。
"Jinshang is more than just a commercial property venture
Jinshang isan invention
We derive courage and inspiration
From the love of life, observation, discovery, and wisdom
We dare to dream big and achieve what only idealists can achieve"金尚不是一个商业地产产品
还有我们的勇敢 果敢 说干就干
We are the designers, contractors, investors, operators
And most importantly
We are the users
These five identities have a depth of experienceand symbiosis that cannot be matched by a single identity."
-Lilian Tian
▲ Her favorite poet Rumi's words, and the pillar covered with Rumi's poems
Lilian's daily moments at JinShang, all aspects of life ~